Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Are there fishermen who have everything?

I have been doing some reading by an author named John Gierach. He is an environmentalist fly-fisherman who writes stories or essays about his outdoors experiences. He said something at the end of the last book I read that made complete since to me an avid fisherman, but to the rest of the world it would seem insane. It says, "One thing you'll notice about fishermen is that in the time-honored tradition of humans everywhere ... they never seem to be able to get enough. Once an angler has become serious about the sport (and 'serious' is the word that's used) he'll never again own enough tackle or have enough time to use it," think about this as a fisherman. For example me, if I could I would buy every fly pattern at every size and color available I would. Also the fact that one fly of a pattern isn't enough, based on the principle that what if you break off that fly on a fish...now you don't have what the fish want. Believe me finding what fish want is similar to finding what women want. Neither will tell you exactly what they want. Some days trout are happy with anything you toss their way, but other days they want nothing to do with that fly floating above their head. My girlfriend isn't much of a fly fisherwomen, but she does love the outdoors, fishing, and me. She might not love fishing as much as me, but that is hard to do... I am hoping to make at trip to some body of water somewhere in South Carolina upstate that contains wild or stocked trout this weekend! I want to have a fish tugging on the other end of my line. I need the stress relief of the outdoors, and I deserve to catch a trout! The question will be what fly pattern to start with when I'm knee deep in a cold stream...wet or dry?

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