Monday, February 14, 2011

There are Trout in the sea?

One day I was fly fishing off in the flats near the harbor in Charleston, South Carolina. I was hoping for a spot-tail bass (redfish) or maybe a sea trout, actually I was just hoping something would bite. Cast by cast I hit my spots right against the grass with a medium fast retrieve. Then I casted into the open part of the cove where there seemed to be a bit of a drop off and i had a slight strike, I missed the fish. At least i knew there were fish around. I cast there again and pulled in a decent size sea-trout. Then i went back to working the shoreline. I got a couple more strikes, then I had a big strike which I completely whiffed on and way over set the hook which cause me to fall gracefully into the ocean. If there were any fish there, they were long gone by then. Moral of the story, don't get to excited until you land the fish. Offshore fishing one time I thought i had the fish of a lifetime, a  monster dolphin (mahi mahi). I fought that fish for 40 minutes, then the line went slack. I didn't do anything wrong, so I thought maybe he threw the hook or we got weeds on and the hook just came off. Well i finished reeling it in, the fish was still on, but it was only his head...a shark had taken most of the fish more it's meal. I ended my fishing trip with a couple decent sea trout, not gators (large sea trout with large teeth in the front), but it was a good day!

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